January 15, 2012

Know about Sushi Rice

Sushi Rice_
     Sushi is most delicious when the rice has just the right amount of stickiness. If the rice is not sticky enough the sushi tastes dry. If it is too sticky, it is difficult to spread &has a mushy texture. In particular “new crop” rice has too much water content for sushi. Personally I do own rice blend, using combination of older or dried rice and new or thicker rice. Short grain rice is traditionally used for making sushi because of its starchy nature. Personally I prefer “KOHUKO” brand of sushi rice which is Californian short grain rice.
       Since we add vinegar the rice should be cooked slightly than usual. The standard proportion for sushi is equal parts of water and rice, but for new-crop 10% less water should be used and about 10% more for older rice.
        Cooked sushi rice should never be refrigerated , ideally because it reduces the stickiness and makes it hard to shape properly, as well as losing the flavour . cooked sushi rice does not keep for more than 1 day. Refrigeration also makes the rice hard. Sushi is the best eaten immediately after rolling.
Sushi rice is called “shari” in Japanese  which means “ a tiny piece of Buddha’s bone” because of resemblance of its shape and preciousness of its nature. Making it requires a lot of practice. Good sushi rice has a delicate balance of sweet and sour , firmness and stickiness and it shines like a pearl.

       The measurements of sugar and vinegar are seasonal and regional. In japan, in the summer , a little more vinegar is used, and in western japan, sushi is sweeter than in eastern part. All the measurements’ can be adjusted to suit personal taste.